Top Plants for Glass Terrariums: A Step-by-Step Guide

In the enchanting world of glass terrariums, where miniature ecosystems thrive, choosing the right plants is paramount. Like skilled architects, we carefully select the inhabitants of these self-contained havens, creating striking landscapes within the confines of glass walls. From resilient succulents to delicate ferns, from vibrant mosses to ethereal air plants, and even carnivorous wonders, our guide unveils the top plants to grace these captivating habitats. Join us as we embark on a step-by-step journey into the mesmerizing realm of glass terrariums.


Succulents are a popular choice for glass terrariums due to their ability to thrive in dry environments and their unique and striking appearance. When it comes to growing succulents in glass terrariums, there are several benefits to consider. Firstly, these plants require very little water, making them ideal for enclosed spaces. The glass enclosure helps to retain moisture, creating a self-sustaining environment that requires minimal maintenance. This is especially beneficial for those who may not have a green thumb or who have a busy lifestyle.

Another advantage of growing succulents in glass terrariums is their ability to adapt to various lighting conditions. Most succulents prefer bright, indirect light, and placing them in a glass enclosure allows for optimal light penetration. However, it is important to avoid direct sunlight as it can cause the plants to burn.

When it comes to caring for succulents in glass terrariums, there are a few best practices to keep in mind. Firstly, it is crucial to use well-draining soil to prevent waterlogging, as succulents are prone to root rot. Additionally, it is important to water sparingly, allowing the soil to dry out completely between waterings. Overwatering can lead to root rot and the death of the plant.


Ferns, another popular choice for glass terrariums, offer a contrasting texture and lush green foliage that complements the unique and striking appearance of succulents. These versatile plants add a touch of elegance and beauty to any terrarium. When it comes to indoor fern care, there are a few important factors to consider. First, ferns thrive in environments with high humidity, so it’s essential to mist them regularly. Additionally, they prefer indirect sunlight, making them an ideal choice for terrariums placed in shaded areas of the home.

There are several different types of ferns that are well-suited for terrariums. One popular variety is the Boston Fern, known for its arching fronds and delicate appearance. The Maidenhair Fern is another excellent option, with its feathery foliage and graceful growth habit. The Bird’s Nest Fern, characterized by its wide, flat fronds, is also a favorite among terrarium enthusiasts. Each of these ferns brings its own unique charm and visual interest to a glass terrarium.

As we transition into the next section about mosses, it’s important to note that ferns and mosses often work well together in terrariums. The lush greenery of ferns pairs beautifully with the soft, cushion-like texture of mosses, creating a visually captivating and harmonious display.


Adding mosses to your glass terrarium can enhance the overall aesthetic and create a lush and vibrant environment. Mosses are a versatile and low-maintenance option for terrariums, as they require minimal care and can thrive in various lighting conditions.

There are different types of mosses that you can choose from to create a mossy landscape in your terrarium. Some popular options include sheet moss, cushion moss, and mood moss. Each type has its own unique characteristics and growth habits, so it’s important to research and select the one that best suits your terrarium’s environment.

When caring for mosses in a terrarium, it’s crucial to provide them with the right conditions. Mosses prefer high humidity and indirect light, so placing your terrarium in a spot with filtered or diffused sunlight is ideal. Additionally, misting the mosses regularly to maintain moisture levels is important for their growth and survival.

To create a mossy landscape in your terrarium, start by creating a base layer of soil or moss-friendly substrate. Gently press the mosses into the substrate and arrange them in a way that mimics a natural landscape. You can also add other elements such as rocks, branches, or miniature figurines to enhance the visual appeal.

Air Plants

Air plants, also known as epiphytes, are a popular choice for glass terrariums due to their unique ability to absorb nutrients and moisture from the air, making them a low-maintenance option for terrarium enthusiasts. When caring for air plants in glass terrariums, it is important to provide them with the right conditions for their growth. These plants thrive in bright, indirect light, so placing the terrarium near a window with filtered sunlight is ideal. It is also important to mist the plants with water once or twice a week, or soak them in water for 20-30 minutes every two weeks. However, it is crucial to allow the plants to dry completely before placing them back in the terrarium to prevent rot.

To create a visually appealing display with air plants in glass terrariums, there are a few creative ideas that can be considered. One option is to hang the terrariums from the ceiling using clear fishing line or decorative hooks, creating a floating effect. Another idea is to arrange multiple terrariums of varying sizes and shapes on a shelf or tabletop, creating a mini indoor garden. Additionally, incorporating other decorative elements such as rocks, shells, or driftwood can add visual interest to the terrarium display. By following these care tips and exploring creative display ideas, terrarium enthusiasts can enjoy the beauty and uniqueness of air plants in their glass terrariums.

Carnivorous Plants

Cultivating a diverse range of plant species in glass terrariums, carnivorous plants offer a captivating addition to any terrarium collection. These unique plants have evolved to attract, capture, and digest prey as a way of supplementing their nutrient intake in nutrient-poor environments. Two popular types of carnivorous plants suitable for glass terrariums are pitcher plants and Venus flytraps.

Pitcher plants belong to the Nepenthaceae family and are known for their distinctive pitcher-shaped leaves. These leaves form a cavity filled with digestive enzymes and fluid, which attract and trap insects. The insects are then broken down and absorbed by the plant, providing essential nutrients. Some popular varieties of pitcher plants for terrariums include Nepenthes alata, Nepenthes ventricosa, and Nepenthes x Miranda.

Venus flytraps, on the other hand, are renowned for their rapid movement and unique trapping mechanism. The leaves of Venus flytraps have specialized trigger hairs that, when touched by prey, cause the leaves to snap shut, trapping the insect inside. The plant then secretes digestive enzymes to break down the prey and absorb the nutrients. Dionaea muscipula is the most well-known species of Venus flytrap and is a popular choice for terrarium enthusiasts.

When creating a terrarium for carnivorous plants, it is important to provide the appropriate growing conditions. Carnivorous plants require high humidity, bright indirect light, and a well-draining growing medium. Additionally, they should be watered with distilled or rainwater, as tap water may contain minerals that can harm the plants.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Mix Different Types of Succulents in the Same Glass Terrarium?

Mixing different types of succulents in the same glass terrarium can be both aesthetically pleasing and beneficial for the plants. However, it is important to consider the specific needs of each succulent in terms of light, water, and temperature requirements. Some succulents may thrive better in drier conditions, while others prefer more moisture. Additionally, mixing succulents with similar growth habits and sizes can help create a more harmonious and visually appealing arrangement. Careful planning and research are essential to successfully mix succulents in a terrarium.

How Often Do Ferns Need to Be Watered in a Glass Terrarium?

Ferns in a glass terrarium have specific water requirements that need to be carefully managed. Unlike succulents, which thrive in dry conditions, ferns prefer a more humid environment. It is important to maintain a consistent level of moisture in the terrarium, but avoid overwatering, as this can lead to root rot. A good rule of thumb is to water ferns in a glass terrarium once the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch. Regular monitoring and adjusting of watering frequency will ensure the health and longevity of the ferns in the terrarium.

Can I Use Any Type of Moss for My Glass Terrarium?

When it comes to selecting moss for your glass terrarium, it is important to consider the types that are suitable for this specific environment. There are various types of moss that can thrive in glass terrariums, such as cushion moss, sheet moss, and mood moss. Each type has its own unique characteristics and aesthetic appeal. However, it is important to weigh the pros and cons of using moss in glass terrariums, as moss requires specific care and maintenance to ensure its longevity and health.

Do Air Plants Require Any Soil in a Glass Terrarium?

Air plants, also known as Tillandsias, are a popular choice for glass terrariums due to their unique ability to thrive without soil. These fascinating plants derive their nutrients and moisture from the air, making them low-maintenance and visually appealing additions to any terrarium. However, it is important to provide proper care for air plants in a glass terrarium by ensuring adequate air circulation, regular misting or soaking, and providing indirect sunlight. By following these guidelines, you can enjoy the benefits of using air plants in your glass terrarium.

Should I Feed Carnivorous Plants in a Glass Terrarium?

Feeding carnivorous plants in a glass terrarium is essential for their health and survival. These unique plants have specialized nutritional requirements that cannot be fulfilled solely by their environment. A proper feeding schedule is necessary to provide them with the necessary nutrients and ensure their growth. Glass terrariums offer numerous benefits for carnivorous plants, such as providing a controlled environment, easy observation, and protection from pests. By following a feeding schedule, you can ensure the optimal health and longevity of your carnivorous plants in a glass terrarium.


In conclusion, choosing the right plants for your glass terrarium can create a captivating and visually appealing display. From the hardy succulents to the delicate ferns and mosses, each plant adds its own unique charm. The addition of air plants and carnivorous plants adds an intriguing touch to the terrarium. By carefully selecting and arranging these plants, you can create a miniature world that draws the viewer in with its enchanting beauty.

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